
Free and Focused

Today I was listening to an Alanis Morissette song… …”Hand in my Pocket”, from  the album “Jagged Little Pill” (1995) I’ve listened to that song hundreds, thousands of times, since that album was a huge hit. But today it was the first time I really heard that part of the lyrics and it hit me […]

Ler Artigo

Excellence is an Attitude

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is then not an act but a habit. Aristotle True. Aristotle knew he’s thing. Please, allow me to humbly share with you my version on excellence: Excellence is an attitude.

Ler Artigo

Fear is only a messenger 

Yes, that’s right. Fear is only a Messenger… In itself it has no worth besides making you look the right way, to understand aspects of yourself that absolutely need your attention and, more than that, need your action, your intervention. So far so good, right?… The problems start when you choose not to to give […]

Ler Artigo